
My comprehensive research journey began with an exploration of the topic of migration: the sense of isolation, and questions of belonging, a concept that manifests at various scales, from the local to the global, within cultural, economic and social contexts.

“You can be lonely anywhere, but there is a particular flavor to the loneliness that comes from living in a city, surrounded by millions of people... mere physical proximity is not enough to dispel a sense of internal isolation.”

This exploration was conducted through various artistic, media, and video forms. It led me to the concept of a ‘Kosmopolitês Space,’ an approach that embraces cultural diversity and globalization in architectural design. This perspective acknowledges that architecture is not only a physical construct but also an emotional and spiritual space reflecting the values and identities of its users and society as a whole.

As I delved deeper into my research, I transitioned from a global viewpoint to a more individual one. I examined the concept of ‘home,’ which gives peace of mind, through the lens of digital twins, which serve as the building blocks of the Metaverse, facilitating the movement between real and virtual realms.

This exploration naturally steered me towards the theme of memory, which became the central focus of my thesis. When I conducted interviews and asked, “What is your earliest memory?,” it prompted me to delve into my own recollections.

One of my earliest memories takes me back to a serene forest, a place where nature's beauty seemed to unfold in every direction.

Its time and location are shrouded in uncertainty, leaving me to question its authenticity.

My research shifted towards creating tangible embodiments of memory: interviewing individuals through various methods, gathering their memories using a multisensory approach.

One of the most captivating narratives I delved into recounts an individual's memory from when they were less than a year old, nestled in a cradle. What makes this memory especially intriguing is the presence of a clearly identifiable voice articulating thoughts.

"Unable to speak yet, a curious thought sparked in my mind: ‘What kind of voice will I have when I am able to speak?’”

These memories were then preserved in the form of personal point clouds organized into chronological mind maps. This preservation process serves as a foundation for ongoing dialogue, reflection and action, connecting past narratives with future generations.

It is all shaped in the form of a monument, departing from the conventional symbols of narratives told by those in positions of power. This monument is conceived as a dynamic and inclusive space that pays tribute to individual memories within the broader collective dialogue.

The space for remembrance exists in both physical and digital dimensions. The virtual realm seamlessly integrates with the physical world through augmented reality (AR), employing cutting-edge technologies like machine learning, 3D scanning, and digital twins. This integration offers visitors a multisensory experience drawn from the recorded history of the departed individuals, and they can engage with this space using AR glasses.