Lab Project

Haduwa Apata

This exhibition presented the outcome of the transdisciplinary workshop of [a]FA and the lab dC on staging in the broadest sense: being on stage and working on stage, staging a space and designing a stage.

 "A frame: communicates between inside and outside. Demarcates the creation from its surroundings. Communicates between the spectator and the framed piece."

 This five-part exhibition looked at the different STAGES that were investigated, imagined, or outlined during the lab. From LEGON/culture, which was our starting point and reference stage, to TERRAIN/environment, BEACH/body, APAM/urban space, to the FUTURE/vision. It presented individual projects along with documentations of the work process such as films, interviews, and statements about the overall topic of staging.

 By walking around the exhibition, you were translocated to the Haduwa site, standing in front of the 8 x 4.5m frame that was set up there, now filled with the team’s experiences, observing the terrain in the back and the beach in front, listening to the soundscapes of the site. Towards the far northeast was the city of Apam along with the horizon. Eventually, the exhibition became a stage itself, not only for our work but also for the performed songs and spoken words that were created on site by our artist collaborators, the Lab dC, expressing the desire and need for a stage in Apam.


Andrea Sachse / 8 TIMES 4 POINT 5

Daniel Aschwanden, Baerbel Mueller

[A]FA, Lab dC